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First Baptist Church of Weston First Baptist Church of Weston

Prayer Request Prayer Request

   Discussion: Prayer Request
Cathy Fisher · 20 years, 1 month ago
Pray for the family of Mary Helen Alfred who passed away on 3/5/05. Also for the family of Frances Fisher who passed away 3/7/05.
Leonard Posey · 20 years, 1 month ago
Rev. Kenneth Miller family, Carl Murdock, Naomi Boram, John & Debbie Snyder, Barbara & Sharon Skidmore, Linda Turner, M. J. Foster, Lois Woofter, Frankie Smith, Lawrence Chapman, Sarah and Charlie Paugh, Dorothy Keener, Mildred Vanhorn, Dick & Peg John, Clyde Smith, Ron & Marjorie Dolan, Linda Goodwin, Mildred Niday, Floda McNemar, Helen Marks, John Simmons, Dwight Osborne, Don Crouch, Jason Rowan, Randy Brady, Chase Cain, Jack & Roberta Fisher, Larry Bailey, Mark Freeman, Jack Bell, Helen Ryan, Darrell Helmick, Junie Coffield, Patty Craig, Unspoken Requests and those serving in the Military at home & abroad & their families.
Leonard Posey · 20 years, 1 month ago

    We also express Christian sympathies to Frances Alfred on the loss of her sister, Mary Helen Alfred, who passed away Saturday, March 5th.   She was a dear faithful member for 81 years.

    We also express Christian sympathies to Clayton Woofter on the loss of his sister, Wilda Woofter, on Tuesday, March 8th. She was a dear faithful member for 42 years, and served as custodian here for 32 years.

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